I am Mary Ann Morris, a loving mother of four, devoted wife, and compassionate energy healer, channeling cosmic light to guide souls on their path to wellness.

My journey through the vast skies of aviation with renowned entities like TWA, American Airlines, and GE Aviation, instilled in me a connection to the stars and an understanding of life's intricate patterns. Motherhood, with its unique challenges including navigating the world of autism, propelled me further into the realm of holistic healing, honing my expertise in nervous system regulation and expansion.

Certified as a Reiki Master with a special touch for maternity, my offerings expand to Pure Energy Crystal Healing, Breathwork, and Shamanic modalities. I'm also a Galactic Akashic Records Reader, Energetic Light Touch Acupuncturist, Matrix Energetics Frequencies practitioner, and a Holographic Frequency Healer, bridging the earthly and the cosmic.

My innate abilities as a telepath, energetic communicator, remote viewer, and soon-to-be Level 1 Rapid Prompting Method facilitator, further amplify the depth of my healing touch. Dedicated to serving those who seek to live, love, and thrive in harmony and joy, I integrate light touch, frequency, crystals, and breath to dissolve dense energies and elevate souls.

Whether you're drawn to the wisdom of the stars or the grounding energies of our planet, I'm here to guide you, offering a transformative blend of ancient wisdom and modern consciousness.

About Mary Ann Morris


  • Reiki is “universal life force” energy. The Healer accesses this universal life force energy and flows the high vibrational energy through light touch, no touch or from a distance to the client to clear lower vibrational energies and replace them with high vibrational energies that relax and soothe the client.

  • Pure Energy Healing (P.E.H.) is a natural gift of healing we all innately have within us. Pure Energy Healing is when the Healer can access high vibrational transmissions of information, energy, patterns and light frequencies and through light touch, no touch or from a distance, send those high vibrational frequencies to the client. Pure Energy Healers assist their clients to transform lower vibrations to higher by clearing away negative, dense or stuck energies and heightening the body with positive high vibrations. A Pure Energy Healer does not heal, I step aside and create the space for healing to take place while allowing the flow of universal energy. The source energy transfers to the client who receives a gift of healing - that is, to heal themselves.

  • During a Pure Energy Healing session, clients can experience a range of emotions. They can feel uplifted and happy; or feel a deep sense of peace from a release of burdens from the past. The Pure Energy Healing session often provides a clearing to see a new possibility that is not available in one’s life. Once a client has experienced a healing and felt a new calming energy; peace and grounding - they can recall and recreate this beautiful flow of positive energy ongoing on their own.

    Pure Energy Healing Sessions can help heal deep, painful, emotional stress and trauma and even certain past life and multi-dimensional energies. The body and overall well being is a holistic system of light and Pure Energy Healing can benefit the physical, emotional and mental bodies and beyond.

    Those who have experienced Pure Energy Healing expressed how relaxed they felt during a healing session. You may feel a wonderful, positive energy flow and feel a new lightness of being. During a Pure Energy Healing session, sometimes involuntary physical movements such as a twitch of a limb can occur due to shifts of energy and flow of emotions. Opening of the heart can feel euphoric, or it could feel as a release of blocked traumas through tears of letting go and releasing stress and issues. A sensation of slight physical pain might be felt for a short time as the energy shifts and clears away the energy blocks, low vibration or negative mindset. Clients sometimes experience deep sleep - the P.E.R.S.P; Pure Energy Restorative Sleep Pattern.

    Pure Energy Healing is completely safe and non-invasive. The hands are the vessel for healing during a light touch, no touch or distance energy transmission. Pure Energy Healing is an energy flow that is grounded and immersed in divine love and light.

    Pure Energy Healing techniques help people heal their body, mind and spirit by transmitting positive vibrations; elevating their spiritual growth; finding their passion; living life with gratitude; peace; happiness and an overall perspective of positivity.

  • Who Am I? The energy behind this question is shifting to what influence did I bring in this lifetime to support my life’s mission? Who am I at the divine level so that I may attain spiritual sovereignty? How does my soul ancestry pertain to me in this life? We are here to learn and see exactly how divine we are! The galactic soul lineage readings help individuals to tap into information about their celestial roots and their celestial heritages. We are accessing the energy of the hologram of which we are all a part. The reading can encompass information from your Higher Self which includes past, present and future lives, star systems that you feel a connection to (intergalactic, soul groups) or time periods that you’ve lived (i.e., Atlantean), gifts, skills, mission in this life and/or what you are here to release. We intend to go deeper to self understanding. Your openness and willingness to look at your shadows will affect the depth of the reading. Let’s reclaim that deep understanding from the divine eternal beautiful soul that you are! What does your Cosmic Eternal Presence Say? Let’s find out and book a conscious reading today.

  • This is a unique, powerful small group breath journey for deep emotional release, clearing and spiritual awakening! First, we set the sacred space with sharing, discovery, insight and guidance. Next, we spend an hour connecting with deep shamanic breathing with periods of relaxation to open new channels of awareness, clear toxicity from the body and replace it with high vibrational frequencies of light and love. This sacred journey incorporates guided visualization, deep breathing, vibrational sound, soulful music, energy healing, drums, crystal therapy and light body expansion techniques to facilitate a sacred journey for your soul and beyond! We provide mats, pillows and blankets. Bring the Light Master you are and some water!

    DISCLAIMER … Breathwork Journeys are intended as personal growth experiences and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. I love pregnant mamas and we want to keep our pregnant mamas and babies safe. Breathwork Journeys involving deep breathing should be avoided when a mother is carrying a beautiful child(ren). Persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy should not partake in this breathwork journey. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary physician.